About street markets in Ljubljana.

The biggest market is Mestna
Natural products produced in the outskirts of the city and all over the country are offered here, mostly cultivated and prepared in a traditional or eco-friendly way.
The market works every day but Sunday from early morning until 4 pm. The best time to pay a visit is on Saturday.
The stalls closest to the main path are usually the most expensive ones. Have a look deeper into the market if you look for bargains. It is handy to have small change available.

ARTish Market and Festival
Every Saturday from April until October there is a selling exhibition of unique products of Slovenian creators and artists.
There are also free creative workshops for adults and children, theatre performances, music concerts, charity projects such as exchange of used clothes, and various fundraising events.
The event takes place at Stari and Gornji

Art Market
Art Market takes place every Saturday from May to October along the Old Town of Ljubljana, starting at Novi
Art Market is a chance to see how creative people Slovenes really are. Wish for the sun, since the event is cancelled in case of a bad weather.
FairArt Fair
It is a fair of unique handmade products of arts and crafts of innovative young Slovenian designers. It takes place once per month, placed at the central city market.
Creative Fair
Every Tuesday from May to December unique handmade products
Located in the Maximarket passage, adjacent to the Parliament building and Cankarjev dom.
The Countryside in the City: Gastronomy Fair
The event presents home-made products from numerous Slovenian farms form different Slovenian regions. Bread, cheeses, fruit, vegetables, wine, potica, meat products, spirits,
Place of venue: Central Market at Pogacarjev
Christmas Market
Every day from the end of November until the 2nd of January numerous cultural and festive events take place on different locations in the beautifully ornamented city center.
Among the numerous stands with paintings, wood products, gloves, sweaters, shawls, home-made delicacies, liqueurs, honey and chocolate products you may find ideas for your Christmas gifts.
While searching for the right ones, let a glass of mulled wine keep you warmer.

Flea Market – City Center
The flea market on Cankarjevo
The market is a hobby for many sellers and they are keen to give good advice if you are looking for something in particular.
It offers is a pleasant walk and offers all kind of antiques, arts, and curiosities.

Flea Market – Vic
A popular market for locals who look for bargains and second-hand goods, including used bikes, cars, appliances, clothes, etc.
The market is open Sundays from 7 am
To get there you should take a bus no.1 in the direction Nedeljski