In Slovenia the official language is Slovenian language (or Slovene), which is similar to other Slavic languages, particularly close to Serbian and Croatian, and uses the Latin alphabet.
Many Slovenes speak English very well, some use German and Italian as a foreign language.
Slovenes generally appreciate any effort you make in their language.

Freising Manuscripts
Slovenian Language
The first written sample of the Slovenian language (also first among Slavic languages) are the Freising manuscripts (Brizinski
The Catechism is the oldest preserved printed book in
Now the Slovenian language is spoken by about 2,5 million speakers and is one of the official languages of the European Union.
Please find below some Slovenian language phrases and words you may need while travelling around Slovenia and Ljubljana.
There are some special letters in Slovenian alphabet:
Č – reads: CH (Chocolate)
Š – reads: SH (Cash)
Ž – reads: Garage
Greetings & polite expressions
Zdravo or živjo
Good day!
Dober dan!
Good morning!
Dobro jutro!
Good evening!
Dober večer!
Good night!
Lahko noč!
Thank you
You`re welcome
Ni za kaj or Prosim
Excuse me
Introductions & common questions
What is your name?
Kako ti je ime? (informal)
Kako vam je ime? (formal)
My name is...
Moje ime je…
How are you?
Kako si? (informal)
Kako ste? (formal)
I`m fine, thank you
Hvala, dobro.
Do you speak English?
Govorite angleško? (formal)
Govoriš angleško? (informal)
I don`t understand
Ne razumem
Directions & assistance
Where is.... ?
Kje je…. ?
How much does this cost?
Koliko to stane?
Can you help me?
Mi lahko pomagate?
Dining & food
Good apetite/Enjoy your meal...
Dober tek
Na zdravje!
The bill, please!
Račun, prosim!
I am a vegetarian...
Sem vegetarijanec (male)
Sem vegetarijanka (female)
No meat, please...
Brez mesa, prosim…
Shopping & services
Do you accept credit cards?
Ali sprejemate kreditne kartice?
Where is the nearest ATM?
Kje je najbližji bankomat?
How much does this cost?
Koliko to stane?
I would like to buy this
Rad bi to kupil (male)
Rada bi to kupila (female)
Where can I exchange money?
Kje lahko zamenjam denar?
Can I pay with a card?
Lahko plačam s kartico?
I need a doctor
Potrebujem zdravnika
I am lost
Izgubil sem se (male)
Izgubila sem se (female)
Call the police
Pokličite policijo
Transportation & directions
Where is the train station?
Kje je železniška postaja?
Where is the bus stop?
Kje je avtobusna postaja?
Which bus goes to... (Ljubljana)?
Kateri avtobus pelje v Ljubljano?
How do I get to ...(Bled)?
Kako pridem do Bleda?
How long does it take to get there?
Kako dolgo traja pot do tja?
A ticket to (Maribor), please...
Eno vozovnico za Maribor, prosim….
Does this bus go to (Piran)?
Ali ta avtobus pelje v Piran?
Accommodation & hotels
I have a reservation under the name...
Imam rezervacijo na ime John Smith.
Can I get the WiFi password?
Lahko dobim geslo za WiFi?
What time is check-out?
Ob kateri uri je odjava?
Do you have a room available?
Ali imate prosto sobo?
How much is a room per night?
Koliko stane soba na noč?
Attractions & sightseeing
What are the best places to visit?
Katere so najboljše znamenitosti za ogled?
Where can I rent a bicycle?
Kje lahko najamem kolo?
Is there an entrance fee?
Ali je vstopnina?
What time does it open?
Ob kateri uri se odpre?
What time does it close?
Ob kateri uri se zapre?
More useful phrases
Do you speak English?
Govorite angleško? (formal)
Govoriš angleško? (informal)
I don`t understand
Ne razumem
Can you speak slower, please?
Lahko govorite počasneje, prosim?
I would like…
Rad bi… (male)
Rada bi… (female)
Where is the toilet?
Kje je stranišče?
- What is the main language spoken in Slovenia?
The main language spoken in Slovenia is Slovenian language. - How many languages do Slovenians speak?
Slovenians speak at least two to three different languages if not more. Slovene is our mother language. Most Slovenes speak Serbian and Croatian or at least understand it very well. English is widely spoken and understood while many would also know some German or Italian. - What is the closest language to Slovenian?
The closest language to Slovenian is Croatian and Serbian. - What language family is Slovenian?
Slovenian belongs to Southern Slavic language family. - Is Slovenian the same as Serbian?
No. - How hard is it to learn Slovenian?
It all depends on what languages you already speak. But in general, Slovenian is pretty difficult language to learn if you are not a Slav. Namely, It has 6 cases, lots of exceptions and the dual. Slovene is one of the rare languages in the world that has the grammatical number dual – it is used specifically for two objects or persons. - Can Slovenians understand Russian?
We can understand some words in Russian which have the same or similar meaning than in Slovenian but generally, we can get lost in translation pretty easily. However, a Russian and a Slovenian will not be able to communicate effectively without an interpreter. - What is Slovenian language code?
Slovenian language code is sl-Sl. - Do they speak English in Ljubljana.
Yes, most people do, as their second or third language. - How many people speak Slovenian?
Slovenian language is spoken by about 2.5 million speakers worldwide, the majority of whom live in Slovenia, where it is one of the three official languages.
- Is Slovakia language same as Slovenian language?
No. Slovenia and Slovakia are two different countries with two different languages. - Where can I buy Slovenian language books for Slovenian language course?
In certain bookshops.
More resources:
- How to pronounce Ljubljana Origin of the name and pronunciation,
- Slovene for Travelers Slovenian expressions and common phrases for different situations like eating out and asking for directions.
- Slovenian language translator (English to Slovenian and from other languages to Slovenian)