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Useful addresses and contacts – for the stock exchange, universities, parliament, embassies and other important institutions of business, social and political life in the capital.

Ljubljana Institutions

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia and some of the most important political, cultural, medical, educational and financial institutions have found their place in Ljubljana.

Most of them are based in the city center but some also in other parts of the city.

Embassies in Ljubljana

Even though travellers usually turn to their embassies for help when abroad, we hope you will only want to find your embassy to say hi to your ambassador and not because you got into trouble.

In case anything less pleasant happens, do not hesitate to contact your embassy for legal aid.

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Bank of Slovenia

Address:  Slovenska 35, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 471 90 00

University of Ljubljana

Address:  Kongresni trg 12, Ljubljana
Phone: +386-(0)1-2418500
Web: www.uni-lj.si

National and University Library

Address:  Turjaska 1, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 2001 110, Fax: +386 1 4257 293

For more information about the achitecture of the NUK building please see under

Slovenian Parliament (National Assembly)

The Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia is the legislative institution, exercising electoral and legislative powers, as well as control over the Judiciary and the Executive.

Address:  Subiceva ulica 4, Ljubljana
Phone: +386 1 47 89 400

University Medical Center Ljubljana

Address:  Zaloska 2, Ljubljana
Website: www.kclj.si

National Radio and TV of Slovenia

Address:  Kolodvorska 2, Ljubljana
Phone: +386 1 475 21 11

Ljubljana Stock Exchange (LJSE) Slovenia

Trading operates from 9.30am to 1.00pm CET, except for Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays. Registered business name: Ljubljanska borza, d. d.

Address:  Slovenska 56, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: + 386 1 47 10 211, Fax: + 386-(0)1-4710213

Daily rates, new securities, lists and market information:


Slovenian Tourist Board

Address:  Dimiceva 13, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 589 85 50

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Address:  Presernova 25, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 478 20 20


  • When was university of Ljubljana created?
    Certain academies (notably of philosophy and theology) were established as early as the 17th century. The first university was founded in 1810 under the Écoles centrales of the French imperial administration of the Illyrian provinces. University of Ljubljana of today was created in 1919. 
  • Ljubljana University ranking

    Each year, the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) publishes an academic ranking of universities from around the world. In 2021 the University of Ljubljana ranked 374th out of 19,788 evaluated institutions on the world scale, and 160th on the regional scale in Europe. It ranked first at the national level and 345 on the research performance scale. The University of Ljubljana is thus among the 1.9% of the best universities in the world.

  • Study in Ljubljana
    There are international agreements that enable foreign students to study in Ljubljana. Please find more here: https://www.uni-lj.si/study/